All Memorial Options

Donate Now

Your gift helps us continue to provide care to those in need! (You can make your gift in honor of or in memory of a loved one.)

Give in Memory of

Give in Memory of or in Honor of

Make your donation in remembrance of a loved one.

Become a Monthly Donor

Being a monthly donor is the best way to ensure that your gift is there to help our patients and families now and in the future.

Calvary Hospital’s Tree of Life

A gift to Calvary Tree of Life ensures that a loved one’s name will exist in perpetuity with the lifetime of the Hospital.

The Storrs Society

Named after the founder of Calvary Hospital, the Storrs Society offers dedicated donors an opportunity to participate on an impactful level to provide for the medical, emotional, and spiritual needs of our patients and families.

Planned Giving

You may include a bequest or other deferred gift to Calvary Hospital in your estate plan. We can also give you advice on gift planning to benefit Calvary.